Quercus IT Blog

Quercus IT has been serving the Edmonton area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Is the Ransomware Craze Finally Over? (Hint: Probably Not)

Is the Ransomware Craze Finally Over? (Hint: Probably Not)

Even with ransomware making headlines last year, 2024 saw one of the most interesting trends yet: decreased payments. Last year alone, ransomware payments decreased by hundreds of millions of dollars, even with large-scale attacks and a massive $75 million payment by one victim. Progress? Well, maybe.

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No Business is Too Small to Be a Target to Cybercriminals

No Business is Too Small to Be a Target to Cybercriminals

One of the biggest myths about cybersecurity and cybercrime is that smaller businesses are somehow immune to the more dangerous types of threats because they don’t pose a viable target for cybercriminals.

Nothing is further from the truth.

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2024 Ransomware is as Scary as Ever

2024 Ransomware is as Scary as Ever

If you’re not familiar with ransomware, we wish we lived in the same universe you’ve been living in the past decade. It’s a serious problem for all types and sizes of businesses, not to mention its impact on individuals, governments, and world organizations. Today, we want to go over some of the latest ransomware tactics in use as of 2024.

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What You Can Do About Today’s Most Pressing Cybersecurity Threats

What You Can Do About Today’s Most Pressing Cybersecurity Threats

As cyberthreats become more advanced, businesses must take proactive steps to address them. Cyberattacks can have devastating effects, making it crucial to enhance employees’ awareness of online threats. This month, we examine the top three IT security challenges businesses face and how to combat them effectively.

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Local Businesses at Risk to Lose Over $40k in 2024

Local Businesses at Risk to Lose Over $40k in 2024

As the year winds down, it’s time to start looking at 2024 and what the year could mean for local organizations. It’s likely that most businesses are putting together their operational plans and marketing budgets, and all of that is certainly important, but there are some major situations at play that could cause your business to suffer from major losses and rack up huge expenses if decision-makers aren’t prepared for it.

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The Problems that Ransomware Causes are Extensive and Frustrating

The Problems that Ransomware Causes are Extensive and Frustrating

Businesses face a lot of threats, but ransomware stands out amongst them all. It’s certainly one of the scariest threats out there, as it seems we need to include it every time we discuss cyberthreats. Unfortunately, we really do need to, for one simple reason.

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3 Reasons Ransomware is So Scary

3 Reasons Ransomware is So Scary

Perhaps the most dangerous and notorious modern malware, ransomware affects businesses and industries without any regard to size or scope. It can even impact individual users and get away with it. We urge businesses to consider the other dangers associated with ransomware beyond just paying the ransom, as they extend far beyond and could have lasting impacts on your operations.

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Want to Improve Security? Start with These Basic Concerns

Want to Improve Security? Start with These Basic Concerns

There are some security issues that businesses are much more likely to experience than others, including the following. Let’s go over how you can protect your organization from these challenges and why it is so important that you take precautions now, before it’s too late.

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Ask a Tech: What’s the Deal with Ransomware?

Ask a Tech: What’s the Deal with Ransomware?

We throw around the term “ransomware” an awful lot, and while we’re confident that most people have some level of familiarity with the concept at this point, it is important that we acknowledge that not everyone has our experience in dealing with it. As such, we wanted to answer some of the questions we hear fairly often about ransomware.

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All Organizations Need to Take Ransomware Seriously

All Organizations Need to Take Ransomware Seriously

The headlines hyping up ransomware as a dangerous threat are not exaggerating. It really is as bad as it seems, although there is often a fair amount of embellished information on what ransomware exactly is and what it does. Let’s take some time to review what ransomware is and how your business can handle it in an appropriate way.

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Avoid Ransomware at All Costs

Avoid Ransomware at All Costs

It sincerely seems that every other day features news of another cyberattack, and it isn’t uncommon for the word “ransomware" to be tossed around an awful lot. Let’s take a few moments to go over—or review—what ransomware is, and arguably more importantly, how to handle any you or your team encounters.

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