Quercus IT Blog

Quercus IT has been serving the Edmonton area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Three Technologies That Affect Consumer Confidence in Your Business

Three Technologies That Affect Consumer Confidence in Your Business

Technology has enabled businesses to do more with less and a lot of small businesses simply feel that they don’t have the technology prowess to properly resolve the myriad of challenges they have. There are plenty of enterprise-level technologies that SMBs can use that can make their business stronger and more efficient. 

The first consideration that any small business decision-maker needs to take is how connected people are today. This level of connectivity produces many things, perhaps most of all heightened expectations—a fact that any SMB needs to contend with.

Historically, a small business would never invest in technology that was meant to improve the customer’s experience and relationship with the company, they just didn’t have to. Consumers of the 21st century are different; and as a result, your SMB should consider these three technologies that can make business much more effective for your staff and your customers. 

Customer Relationship Management

A robust CRM is crucial to today’s business. With hundreds of options out there, there are those that are unquestionably meant for the enterprise user, with others that cater to a specific type of organization which take the benefits of the CRM, and integrate different features to help make the customer-company relationship easier to manage for that specific type of business. 

One of the biggest small-business benefits of a CRM has to be how it can automate a significant amount of tasks that once were handled by multiple employees—a relatively larger chunk of its workforce (and often payroll) than a larger competitor would be concerned with. This makes the CRM that much more valuable to a small business, as it reduces the manpower needed to complete business-critical tasks through automation. By integrating your customer relationships with your scheduling, your payroll, and other concerns, a CRM helps to make your business and its operations more streamlined.

Supply Chain Management

The demands of the customer are more crucial than ever to meet, especially for today’s smaller business. This means that the supply chain (procurement, manufacturing, fulfillment, and distribution) needs to smoothly work in coordination with its different parts. A comprehensive supply chain management system can not only provide benefits with the variables listed above, it can help organizations reduce risk, optimize nearly every part of the supply chain, build robust agility, and provide the digital construct to capture an immense amount of actionable information. 

Edge AI

Understanding Edge AI requires a basic understanding of edge computing and artificial intelligence. Edge computing is a concept which stores and computes data as close to the point of request as possible in an effort to preserve bandwidth and eliminate latency. AI involves the use of machines which can act independently to complete processes that would normally require human interaction. Edge AI combines the two to give businesses significant improvements to their network stability, minimizing latency and costs in the process.

Technology can be a major benefit for the business that strategically deploys it. If you would like to have a conversation about how to best integrate technology into your business, give the IT professionals at Quercus IT a call today at (780) 409-8180. 

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