Quercus IT Blog

Quercus IT has been serving the Edmonton area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

No Matter How Unlikely, You Should Be Prepared for Total System Failures with a BDR

No Matter How Unlikely, You Should Be Prepared for Total System Failures with a BDR

The more complex and robust your IT infrastructure is, the greater the chances that it will undergo a system failure. Basically, according to Murphy’s Law, if something can go wrong, you should expect it to go wrong. To counteract this mentality with real, tangible methods that you can control, you’ll want to implement solutions that prioritize redundancy. This week’s blog is all about how you can build redundancy into your infrastructure through the use of data backup and restoration systems.

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No Surprise, AI Is Advancing Very Quickly

No Surprise, AI Is Advancing Very Quickly

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of those monikers that we’ve extended to most machine learning technologies nowadays. Over the past few years, however, AI has made huge strides in industry, providing a level of automation that simply wasn’t possible previously. Couple in the massive benefits that organizations can see through AI-driven data insights and it is truly a transformative technology. This week, we’ll take a look at AI and unpack just how fast it is evolving. 

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Four Things to Remember When Implementing New Technology

Four Things to Remember When Implementing New Technology

Your aim should always be to build more efficiency into your business. It boosts the productivity of your staff and makes your business a better place to work. Technology is central to this strategy, but it can be tough to get the right productivity in place. This month, we will give you a few considerations that you should pay attention to when adding technology to your roster.  

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Three Technologies That Affect Consumer Confidence in Your Business

Three Technologies That Affect Consumer Confidence in Your Business

Technology has enabled businesses to do more with less and a lot of small businesses simply feel that they don’t have the technology prowess to properly resolve the myriad of challenges they have. There are plenty of enterprise-level technologies that SMBs can use that can make their business stronger and more efficient. 

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More Workers are Meeting Virtually Than Ever

More Workers are Meeting Virtually Than Ever

In a day where nearly eight out of every ten employees prefer to take their meetings virtually, it can be a drag for them when they are pulled into face-to-face meetings, despite probably routinely doing them not so long ago. In this month’s newsletter, we will discuss the scenario that has people freaked out about being in physical meetings and if they are actually productive as compared to their virtual counterparts.

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Want a Competitive Advantage? Implement These 4 Technologies Today

Want a Competitive Advantage? Implement These 4 Technologies Today

Technology is one part of your business that you can use to improve your capacity for competing with larger organizations and enterprises, even if you are a small team working with local clients. Today, we want to discuss four crucial technologies that any small business needs in order to be as efficient, effective, and most of all, competitive, as possible.

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Can Your Business Save Time and Money With Supply Chain Management Technology?

Can Your Business Save Time and Money With Supply Chain Management Technology?

Supply chain management has been a major part of business for quite some time, and technology has played a major part in how it works. Whether it’s people buying or selling goods on the Internet or internally managing their resources, the supply chain is an integral part of any successful business that manufactures or sells products. Let’s look at some of the ways that supply chain management influences businesses–even companies that don’t make or sell products, but still rely on products.

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Cloud Tools Can Present More Value for Cost-Conscious Businesses

Cloud Tools Can Present More Value for Cost-Conscious Businesses

Running a business is often a circus. Many times it requires several juggling acts and a dog and pony show to just get things done. This couldn’t be more true nowadays as business owners are considering how to operate with rising inflation and labor shortages threatening to stymie their organizational progress. Today, we’re going to look at some ways you can stretch your capital.

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You Can’t Print Money, but You Can Save It… With Managed IT

You Can’t Print Money, but You Can Save It… With Managed IT

Even the most lucrative businesses never have enough capital and resources to do everything they would like to do. Whether it’s paying an unexpected bill or purchasing something you truly need, there are plenty of ways to spend more than you think for your business, especially with technology. Let’s go over some of the ways you can use technology to actually save money for your business.

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Mobile Tools are Completely Changing Business

Mobile Tools are Completely Changing Business

You always read that “business has changed”. This is true because society has changed; and technology supports this new normal. More people use their mobile devices for a majority of their communication, their browsing, and a lot more, and it is changing the way business is conducted; it’s just not always easy to separate work use from personal usage. Let’s take a look at some of the ways mobility has changed the way people approach work, and how that shift in perspective has changed business.

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You Love Your Pets, But Your Technology Doesn’t

You Love Your Pets, But Your Technology Doesn’t

Pets do weird things every so often… like laying on top of keyboards or sidling up next to computer monitors. If you’re not careful, your furry companions might accidentally cause a lot of damage to your technology. Some studies have indicated that pets cause around $3 billion worth of damage to technology annually—pretty shocking stuff. Let’s go over how you can minimize the chances of this happening to you.

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Tip of the Week: Here Are 3 Lesser Known Windows Tricks to Try Out

Tip of the Week: Here Are 3 Lesser Known Windows Tricks to Try Out

Technology is remarkably useful for plenty of business-related tasks, but even the most knowledgeable user isn’t going to know all of the features available to them. This is why we like to cover even small, basic tips that people can use to get just a little more value out of their technology. Here are three ways you can get more out of your Windows operating system.

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Should You Consider Upgrading Your Workstations to a New OS?

Should You Consider Upgrading Your Workstations to a New OS?

The operating system is the most important piece of software in computing. It is the bridge between the user and the resources needed to get work done. Many businesses make technology purchases and pay for support, so they don’t always know when is the right time to upgrade the OS on your organization’s computers. Let’s take a look at some of the variables you should consider to better understand when it is time to change the operating system on your employee workstations. 

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IT Has Changed and Your Business Can’t Afford to Lag Behind

IT Has Changed and Your Business Can’t Afford to Lag Behind

IT support is crucial to the success of any company in today’s fast-paced technology-focused business environment. Some organizations have an internal IT administrator, while others choose to rely on outsourced resources. Both of these are perfectly acceptable responses to the problem at hand, which is guaranteeing you have access to IT resources to keep your business running effectively.

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3 Productivity-Sapping Behaviors to Look Out For

3 Productivity-Sapping Behaviors to Look Out For

Technology helps us do more than we’ve ever done before. Unfortunately, the more that we do, the more that is expected of us. That means the search for more productivity is endless, and therefore considerations on how to be most efficient in the way that you go about doing this is extremely important. Unfortunately, there is a limit on how productive people can be and there are definitely some situations that exacerbate this limit. This month, we thought we’d take a look at some of them:

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Are the Apps You Get From the App Stores Secure?

Are the Apps You Get From the App Stores Secure?

The smartphone app ecosystems today are extraordinarily vast. The Google Play store has over 3.5 million apps available, while the Apple App store has over 1.6 million apps. The question becomes, with so many different applications available on these platforms, how can you be so sure that the apps you are downloading to your mobile device are secure? Let’s take a look at mobile app store security and why it’s become more than just a security issue. 

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Your Network Needs to Be Secure…These Tools Can Help

Your Network Needs to Be Secure…These Tools Can Help

From the outside looking in, network security can be intimidating to consider. There are so many moving parts that go into protecting a business, it’s understandable that you might not know where to start. Fortunately, we do, and we’re happy to provide this list of critical network security tools that should be seen as the foundation for your company’s protection.

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The Evolution of Internet Speeds

The Evolution of Internet Speeds

With the Internet cementing itself as one of the best tools to get work done, it’s easy to forget just how sluggish it used to be back when it first became available for use. Internet speeds have undergone some dramatic shifts over the years, so let’s remember the good old days when it took ages to do just about anything with it.

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Will Blockchain Technology Improve Security?

Will Blockchain Technology Improve Security?

The blockchain is a technology that has really taken off in the past couple of years, with many people asking if the same technology behind cryptocurrencies can be applied to other uses and applications. Let’s consider how the blockchain might be used outside of cryptocurrency and in various industries—particularly for security—in the future.

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Did You Know IT Can Help You Manage Inventory?

Did You Know IT Can Help You Manage Inventory?

Most businesses deal with some type of inventory control. Even if they work in professional services there are tools and resources that have to be inventoried and managed. Unfortunately, for many businesses, they haven’t yet changed the way they manage inventory, leading to a lot of time being allocated to the endeavor. This can actually get expensive. Let’s dive into what makes technology a major benefit for modern inventory management. 

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