Quercus IT Blog

Quercus IT has been serving the Edmonton area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Three Business Issues Modern Technology Has Solved

Three Business Issues Modern Technology Has Solved

Business is all about disaster mitigation and damage control. You never know exactly when something bad is going to happen, but you have to be ready for it when it does. Today, we want to discuss a couple ways that smart technology can help you in specific situations where your business might otherwise falter.

Loss of Data

Your business lives off of its data, and without it, good luck keeping operations going.

Imagine if your customer records, invoices, internal files, contact information, intellectual property, or other data were to simply disappear… without a backup in place. It would simply be gone. A lot of situations could cause this, such as a cyberattack, hardware failure, power outage, and user error. Thankfully, a solid data backup plan can prevent this from happening, and all it takes is a healthy usage of the cloud to keep your files stored off-site and safe.

We recommend you practice the 3-2-1 rule, which includes the following:

  • Keep three copies of your data
  • Store them in two different locations
  • Make sure one of those locations is offsite (like in the cloud)

With such a practice in place, your data should always be accessible when you need it most—especially when you need it most.

Locked Out of Accounts

Passwords are frustrating, but they’re important for security. Yet, when you don’t know your password, the account’s security ends up working against you.

It’s hard to remember all of your passwords, which is why people tend to reuse the same ones over and over again. If hackers discover one of these reused passwords, they’ll have access to all of the accounts that use that same password. If you use a password manager—a secure storage vault for all your passwords—then you won’t have to worry, and you can use complex (and different) passwords for all of your different accounts.

Oh, and one more thing… use an enterprise password manager, not the rudimentary ones in place for your web browser. It’s more secure and can work across devices.

Your Office is Gone (or Inaccessible)

What would happen if you couldn’t get to the office (for whatever reason)?

A flood, fire, blizzard, pandemic, or other disaster could impact your ability to work from the office, and you need to have a plan… you know, just in case. The cloud allows your team to get work done anywhere, anytime, even under difficult circumstances. And when you can get work done from any location, operations can be shoestringed together long enough for you to get back to the office in any situation.

Remote work capabilities also improve the flexibility of your business, making it a win-win for all involved.

We’ll Help You Prepare

You can’t mess around with disasters, so why not work with the best to take care of any and all unpredictable situations? To learn more, give us a call at (780) 409-8180.

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