Businesses currently face an unprecedented level of threat from data breaches, with more means of undermining their security out there than ever before. Making the situation worse, all it takes is one to bring significant impacts to your business, from financial and reputational loss, not to mention all the potential legal issues that come into play. Let’s review what you need to do should you ever be on the receiving end of a breach.
When your smartphone battery dies, you’re left feeling inconvenienced and, likely, pretty annoyed. Unless you’re carrying your charger on you at all times, you’ll need to find a solution to your battery charge issues. The solution, like with many other technological issues, is to be proactive and take action to keep your battery from dying in the first place. That’s what we’re here to discuss today.
Are you sure that your business can control all of its data? Are you absolutely certain that it can be accessed when needed? Can you guarantee that it’s as secure as humanly possible, wherever it happens to be? You should be able to answer these questions with an unequivocal and resounding “yes,” yet central data management is far from a simple task.
If your business could go about its daily tasks without having to worry about technology, you would find yourself suddenly much more productive and efficient. Think of all the time and money you could save by not reacting to technology problems. With the right tools and approaches, your company can make great strides toward a more proactive technology management model.
Cybersecurity is complicated, with countless moving parts that all contribute to a well-protected network. This includes password changes, multi-factor authentication, and policies and procedures that could make the average workday a headache for the average office worker. Cybersecurity burnout is a real thing, and it’s becoming a major problem for businesses that don’t approach it intentionally.
All companies have policies in place which govern how their employees use their technology, so it makes sense that any new employees should be onboarded in accordance with these expectations. Let’s go over how you can make sure your new employees know and understand your organization’s policies as they relate to business technology.
Any business that uses information technology needs to be considerate of its security. It’s also important for these businesses to remember that this security is always being innovated upon to better protect their organizations and their users.
Let’s consider why this constant innovation needs to be something that your organization emulates where its cybersecurity policies and processes are concerned.
The prevalence of technology in even mundane, everyday tasks means that more scams are out there to take advantage of unsuspecting victims. Hackers will do everything they can to take advantage of vulnerabilities in your systems, as well as cracks in your employees’ technological know-how. One way you can take the fight to them is by reinforcing appropriate password security measures.
If you find yourself in a position where your business has been hacked, it can be devastating for productivity and efficiency, not to mention the security of your company’s assets—personnel or otherwise. It’s quite easy for even seasoned professionals to expose themselves to these attacks, so how should you respond if you’re the one who has been hacked? That’s what we’re going to discuss today.
Any slowdown, interruption or complete failure of a critical system or network could result in an IT disaster for your organization. These can be triggered internally by employee errors, cyberattacks, or data breaches, as well as natural disasters like floods or fires that can cause equipment failure and power outages.
We talk a lot about best practices that you and your entire workforce need to follow in order to protect yourself, your business, and your customers from data theft. From ensuring that you have strong, unique passwords and making sure two-factor or multi-factor authentication is applied to all of your accounts, to keeping your endpoints updated, a lot of prevention is considered the barest necessities of cybersecurity. It’s worth understanding just how clever cybercriminals are, and just how easy it is to slip up and lose control over your own information.
Your business might have a full-time IT person, but it also might not have one, and in cases like this, you might find yourself waiting to call your go-to person until you are experiencing a full-blown problem. The reality is that your internal, non-IT staff should not be responsible for the job of your IT department, and if you are relying on someone externally to handle your technology help, then you’ll want to make sure they tick all of the following boxes.
Regardless of the business attempting it, data migration (or the process of moving data and systems to a new piece of infrastructure) is critical to get right. One way to improve your chances of success is to create and follow a migration strategy, evaluating it as you go. Let’s walk through some practices involved in doing so.
Unfortunately, some businesses have had to learn the hard way in order to pay attention to their business’ cybersecurity efforts. These cautionary tales aren’t lost on many business owners, but in some cases, they are still ignored. That’s where we come in. Today, we thought we would go through some basic things that any organization needs to know to keep their business safe.
Data security isn’t a matter to be taken lightly, as too many businesses have found out the hard way. Unfortunately, there are far too many simple ways to correct common security issues - enough that it’s foolish not to do so. We’ll review a few ways to fix security issues, after discussing one of, if not the, most egregious security failings in modern history.