Quercus IT Blog

Quercus IT has been serving the Edmonton area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

How to Access a List of Your Recently Copied Text on Your Clipboard

How to Access a List of Your Recently Copied Text on Your Clipboard

If the fact that you can enable Windows to save a list of your most often-used lines of text is news to you, I offer you my sympathies. You’ve missed a lot of potential productivity in the years since Microsoft added clipboard history functionality.

Let’s talk about how you can take advantage of clipboard history, starting with how to enable it.

To Use Clipboard History, It First Needs to Be Enabled

A while ago, Microsoft augmented the clipboard to far beyond the constraints it once had. To take advantage of it, you need to activate it in your Settings (Settings > System > Clipboard > Turn on Clipboard history).

Once enabled, accessing your keyboard history is as simple as pressing Windows Key + V.

What the Clipboard History Provides

Rather than restricting you to saving a single snippet of text or image, your clipboard history saves everything you copy during a session so you can refer back to it and continue using it… and while it is typically wiped when you restart the machine, you can pin certain items to save them long term.

Hopefully, this helps you work more efficiently. Consider working with us for more IT assistance at a much larger scale! Give us a call at (780) 409-8180 to learn more.

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